Gydevang 40
3450 Allerød
45 4817 12 11 -
Social - Social


We recognize the importance of fostering a diverse, inclusive, and supportive workplace where every individual can thrive. Our commitment to social sustainability is focused on creating a fair and equal environment for our employees, ensuring that everyone feels valued.

Enhancing diversity and inclusion across all levels of our organization, ensuring gender equality, and providing opportunities for professional growth through continuous employee development is some of our key areas to ensure a positive development of our company. Being committed to reduce absenteeism rates we aim to support a work-life balance and contribute to the employee satisfaction.

As we continue the beginning of our journey, we are dedicated to build a socially sustainable workplace that empowers our people to contribute to our shared goals and ensures a positive impact on society.



Social - Social


2028: Increase diversity in leadership roles by 10% by promoting inclusivity across the Nordic departments.
2030: Eliminate gender pay gaps within all the Nordic companies.

  • Social - Goals

Social - Strategy

Our Strategy and Action Plan

For more information download our full strategy and action plan
